Rising 20% in Printing Quality, Fedar FD6198E Digital Dye Sublimation Printer Got Improvement
11/24 2021
Not let go of every little detail, and escort the quality with the spirit of craftsman. This time Fedar has upgraded the print heads arrangement of FD6198E Digital Inkjet Textile Printer. The new arrangement of nozzles has improved the print quality by at least 20%. Let’s take a look at the comparison chart before and after the upgrade.

Before upgrading: factory firmware parameters, no default values, the values are quite different, and need to be re-calibrated before use.
After upgrading: The factory firmware parameters have been set to default values, and there is basically no need to calibrate before using, which is more convenient to use. In addition, the change of the print heads arrangement also improved the pass splicing, and solved the inconsistency of the left, middle and right effects on the printing platform.
FD5198E Digital Fabric Printer brings you different feel of experience, high speed, high quality and high resolution.

Keep improving, to do better, to make digital printing machines, Fedar is serious about that.